APSA R&D researches and develops ingredients and natural additives of high added value that may benefit
the health of animals
We use nutrigenomics, "omics" and Big Data to design diets and nutritional strategies that contribute to efficiency in the production of slaughter animals. We work to lead the sector with disruptive strategies, investigating and developing bioactive ingredients and additives, not only from the perspective of their identification, demonstration and validation of their effectiveness and their influence on the development of the animal, but we also collect valuable information for decision-making at the commercial level, advising our customers and creating new concepts for nutrition.

Research areas
We focus our research on the search for and evaluation of natural sources and co-products of the food industry rich in bioactive compounds whose application responds to current challenges:
Antimicrobial resistance
Growing interest in natural products with applications in the field of health
We respond to these challenges by evaluating bioactive compounds that prevent animal infection with pathogens by promoting the responsible use of antibiotics, which modulate the immune system and positively influence the use of feed nutrients, intestinal integrity and optimal growth of the animals.
The research areas are:
Health (prevention): antibiotic-free
Nutrition: enzymes for comprehensive use of feed components
Growth promotion
Anti-inflammatory antioxidant
Modulation of the immune system
Nutritional Genomics
At APSA R&D we are aware of the growing interest in the production of healthy meats and we work on our own projects and with other players in the sector towards the development of products that lead to meats with healthy nutritional profiles that are rich in bioactive compounds, maintaining the appropriate technological properties (water-holding capacity, colour, pH, linear durability) through an integral animal diet.
Equipment example:
Extraction with pressurized solvents (Accelerated Solvent Extraction)
BUCHI Mini Spray Dryer
Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD)
Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS)
Liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry and Liquid chromatography tandem-mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS)
External collaborations
We combine internal experience and knowledge from different company departments with that from external professionals in universities and technology centres, and we also draw on the experience of our customers, collaborating with them in the development of new innovative products.

VIDA [LIFE]: “Valorización Integral de Algas” [Comprehensive Algal Valorisation] CDTI Support sub-programme to Consorcios Estratégicos Nacionales de Investigación Técnica [National Strategic Consortia for Technical Research], CENIT, with file number: CEN20101026
SMARTFOODS: "Experimental Industrial Research and Development of Smart Foods" CDTI CIEN strategic program with file number: IDI-20141211
SLAUTEAM: "Influence of pre-slaughter feeding and perimortem handling of fatty pork on meat muscle transformation” funded by the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, within the State Plan for Scientific and Technical Research and Innovation 2013-2016 and by the State Program for R&D+i Focusing on the Challenges of Society - 2015 Consortium, and co-financed with Structural Funds from the European Union, with file number RTC-2015-3550-2.
KETRENOVIN: "Research and Experimental Application of Biotechnology with key KET in the Collection of New High-Value Ingredients for the Agri-food Sector". Project financed with the support of ACCIÓ within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program Catalonia 2014-2020, with file number COMRDI15-1-0028-00
MICROBIOTA: “New Microbiota-Modulating Ingredients applying Biotechnology, "Omics and Big Data". Project financed with the support of ACCIÓ within the framework of the ERDF Operational Program Catalonia 2014-2020, with file number: COMRDI15-1-0029-04. More information
DZYME: Research, Search for and Characterisation of New Enzymes for Animal Nutrition and Health.
REGISTRATION OF ADDITIVES (ENDOFEED DC, AMYLOFEED, PHYTAFEED AND L-TRYPTOPHAN): APSA R&D also develops and manages the studies and information necessary for the preparation of the dossiers required by the European Commission and evaluated by EFSA. Additives such as enzymes are registered at the European level, that added to the diet of the animals enhance the digestibility of the feed components, which boosts the intestinal health of the target species, increasing the nutritional efficiency of the diet and influencing the optimal growth of the animals, in turn reducing the excretion of nitrogen and phosphorus into the environment.
EFECBIOTA: “Effect of an ingredient for animal nutrition on the microbiota and animal welfare”. Project financed with the support of Agency for Business Competitiveness (ACCIÓ) within the framework of the Competitive Reinforcement Program. File number: IRCR19-1-0026
PHYSICSREUSE: “Development of new processing strategies and use of by-products of citrus fruits and vegetables in animal, agricultural and human nutrition”. Project of Research and Development in Cooperation granted by the Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Ministry of Science and Innovation. Reference number: IDI-20190506.
BIOPEPTDS: “Use of meat by-products to obtain bioactive hydrolysates with antimicrobial properties”. Project financed through Operation 16.01.01 of cooperation for the innovation of the Rural Development Program of Catalonia 2014-2020. With the support of: Government of Catalonia. Department of Climatic Action, Food and Rural Agenda. European Union. European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development.